To provide an additional security and to ensure that your application is safe from incoming request, We include a signature in each webhook request. It includes a base64-encoded X-HelixPay-Signature which is generated using API secret key along with the data sent.

Sample PHP Verification

To verify the signature, create the same SHA-256 HMAC signature and then compare it to payload.

$computedHmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HELIXPAY_TIMESTAMP'], API_SECRET_KEY));

if (hash_equals($_SERVER['HTTP_X_HELIXPAY_SIGNATURE'], $computedHmac)) {
    // Do something here
const crypto = require('crypto');

const computedHmac = Buffer.from(
  crypto.createHmac('sha256', API_SECRET_KEY).update(HELIXPAY_TIMESTAMP).digest('hex')

if (computedHmac === HELIXPAY_SIGNATURE) {
  // Do something here