Release 12 - April 25, 2022
Welcome to the HelixPay Release 12 - April 25, 2022. The following are the key features included in this version:
- Automated invoice
- Add note to product SKU
- Set trial payment value
- Value Added Tax (VAT) Handling
- Email blast enhancement: Send test email, save email blast as draft, open rate, and click rate
- Viber notifications for merchants
- Custom fonts
- GIF Banners
- Welcome email
- Follow up emails for unpaid billings
Automated invoice
To add more detail and necessary information on the payment emails Helixpay sends out to subscribers, this release includes a feature to send automated invoices to customers. This is designed to help customers keep track of their payments and due amount. The invoice will include the subscription summary and customer information such as name, contact number, and address. Merchants are also able to input their preferred business information to be included in the invoice.

Click here to add business information on the automated invoice.
Add note to product SKU
To be able to give more visibility to the customers on more important details about their subscription, merchants are now able to add a custom note for SKUs for console created subscriptions. This can be unique per customer and will be useful for information like expiry date, manufacturing date, and more. The note will be displayed right below the SKU name for customers to see. After creating the subscriptions, merchants are still able to edit this on the order level if necessary.
Follow these steps to add note to product SKU when creating a subscription.
Set trial payment value
Merchants can now set a "trial" or "promo" price value which lets the customers start their subscription with a discounted amount before "normalizing" to the regular long-term subscription price. Merchants can customize the trial period price, and the duration of how long the trial period lasts. Merchants can also customize the text for how they present the trial period to their clients. This is a great way to encourage new customers to try your subscription products or services.

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to set trial payment value.
Value Added Tax (VAT) Handling
Merchants are now able to activate VAT computations for their subscription checkout. This feature allows merchants to display 12% VAT on the checkout page. If VAT is enabled, customers will see the subtotal, processing fees, delivery fees, and then HelixPay automatically calculates the 12% VAT amount amounting to the total price. If this is not enabled, then the checkout will continue to show text "taxes are included" and it is assumed that VAT is included in the total displayed amount already.

To access this feature, go to HelixPay console settings then enable VAT.
Email blast enhancements
To help with better subscriber email blast planning, visibility, and analytics - this release added more functionality to HelixPay's email blast tool:
Draft Emails
On the HelixPay console email blast creation page, merchants have the option to send them immediately or save them as a draft first. The list of draft emails will be available to choose from on draft status and merchants will be able to send it out when they like. -
Test Emails
Aside from the drafts, merchants are now able to send a test email to multiple email addresses of their choice before officially sending it out to their subscribers. This will give merchants more confidence on how the email blast will display to their subscribers. -
Open Rates Visibility
Data on open rates on email blasts are now available on the email blast tab on the console. This will provide merchants with data on customer engagement and reach of the email blast they are sending out.

Checkout email blast enhancements here.
Viber notifications for merchants
Helixpay sends out emails to merchants for new subscriptions coming in. With this release, Helixpay merchants will now be updated through Viber with real time information on the following:
- New subscription
- Canceled subscriptions
- Skipped orders
- Paid Orders
This will help the day to day management of subscriptions and orders for the merchants without having to double check the console or the analytics dashboard.

Connect to Viber and start get real time updates for your subscription business.
Storefront Display Customization
Custom Fonts
Merchants can now customize their storefront’s font style and font size to fit their branding better! Merchants are able to change the text on the following parts of the storefront:
- Storefront Description
- Storefront Description items
- FAQ link text

Click here to start making your storefront look even better!
All of the fonts from Google Font Family are available to use on the merchant’s storefront, merchants can browse all of the available fonts on the console but you can access the full list of available fonts here.
GIF Banners
GIF displays are now supported on the Helixpay storefront! Whether it’s a funny GIF or an informative one, merchants can upload it on their brand logo and home page banner.

Customer Experience
Welcome Email
Our welcome email feature will allow merchants to send out a customized email to all their new subscribers. We highly encourage merchants to use this feature as a good way to give a good first impression to all new subscribers! Welcome emails can include welcome information, reminders, photos, and links. Merchants are able to configure the email subject, title, subtitle, and body of the email. This feature will also give the option to create a welcome email for all the products or create different welcome emails for each product.
Create your first Welcome Email here.
Follow-up emails for unpaid billings
By default, Helixpay sends out 1 follow up email and SMS for unpaid orders scheduled 3 days after the billing date. With this new feature, merchants will now have the ability to add more follow up emails for unpaid orders. Merchants can customize the number of days from the billing date that it will be sent out, as well as the text on the email that the customers will receive. To use this, set this up on the console and Helixpay will trigger the notifications automatically.
Do not let the customers missed out their payment by adding more follow-up emails here.
Add more information to customer tab
On the customers tab on the Helixpay console, merchants will be able to see more information about their customers such as: City, Address, and customer metas (if applicable.) Merchants will also be able to sort based on these fields.
Navigation menu display
From the desktop view, if the user clicks anywhere on the main console area, the navigation menu compresses to the left showing only navigation menu icons. The user can hover the mouse over the panel to show the full navigation menu.

Those are all the new features for now! Every month we will be releasing new features and enhancements in HelixPay as we work to build the most helpful tools to help you offer subscriptions and maximize your recurring revenues.
We also love to get feedback. Please share any ideas you have for further improvements and new features to your HelixPay Account Manager. A lot of the features we build are inspired by feedback from our clients.
Updated over 2 years ago